Superimposed Verticality, new Group X’s studio course together with Housing Design chair and the University of Hong Kong HKU
The studio course on Housing Design and Diversifying Forms of Living titled Superimposed Verticality will be presented tomorrow Wednesday 11th at 14:15 in Paja building in Otaniemi. The course is organized by Group X in collaboration with the Housing Design chair (Prof. Hannu Huttunen) at Aalto University Department of Architecture and the University of Hong Kong HKU Department of Architecture (Prof. Wang Weijen).
We will work both in Otaniemi (Marine Technology block) and Hong Kong (Tseung Kwan O district) on the topics of horizontality and verticality, internal and external, communicative and participatory design, optimized use, social sustainability. The course is complementary of the seminar on Theories and Histories of Housing and Urbanism arranged by instructor Frances Hsu.
Teachers: Fernando Nieto, Frances Hsu + Antti Ahlava, Anssi Joutsiniemi, Jarmo Suominen.