Superimposed Verticality – Studio Hong Kong Final Review
Final Review for Studio Hong Kong: Diversifying Forms of Living with the Aalto University Department of Architecture presents the Master of Architecture student designs for hyperdensity and verticality in housing in Hong Kong. The studio is organised by Group X at Aalto and funded by the EU Human Cities and the Aalto University Department of Architecture.
The projects address emergent spatial forms and practices of hyperdense living in the former British Colony in order to identify the DNA of density. New, diverse and experimental, if not unprecedented transformations of the Existenzminimum, are proposed.
Tue 16.05.2017
15:00 – 18:00
Architecture workshop
Paja building
Metallimiehenkuja 4
02150 Espoo
Event part of Aalto Festival 2017
[Photo by Cyrus Peñarroyo]