Service Logic in Architecture course by Group X + Ellen van Loon (OMA) + Urban Suburban Finland NGO
Service Logic in Architecture course welcomes students to design architectural solutions with a social, instrumental value for users, basing on the “School as a Service” case in Otaniemi. During the course, students will be familiarized with the concept of service architecture, will develop a method of using a service blueprint in architectural programming while designing for services, and will be asked to design new typologies and architectural solutions for learning.
Organized by Aalto Department of Architecture Group X in collaboration with ELLEN VAN LOON from OMA Office for Metropolitan Architecture and Urban Suburban Finland NGO.
Dates: starts from 14th November with lectures and flexible tutorials on Mondays/Tuesdays/ Thursdays 9 a.m.-12 p.m. arranged according to the possibilities of a student.
An intensive all-day workshop with ELLEN VAN LOON/OMA on Tuesday 22nd November in the Main Building of School of Business (Runeberginkatu 14–16). The final review on 8th December 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
Teachers: Natalia Vladykina (responsible tutor) and ELLEN VAN LOON/OMA (workshop tutor) accompanied by Group X staff: prof. Jarmo Suominen, prof. Antti Ahlava, prof. Anssi Joutsiniemi, Fernando Nieto and Pekka Tynkkynen.
ARK-E5003 Special Course in Urban Planning and Design, 2 credits. Maximum 10 students accepted.
Contact/registration nata.vladykina@gmail.com and fernando.nieto@aalto.fi by November 13th.